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Activity 6: Comparing 'Hard-Coded' vs 'Coded-with-Variables' Custom Functions (10 minutes)

What might be the advantages & disadvantages of using the start and end variables?

Activity 7: Building Your Toolbox (2 minutes)

Write definitions for the following in your Student Notebooks:

  1. Custom Function
  2. Chorus: The chorus is the section of the song with lyrics and melody repeated throughout the song in between the verses. This is your Earworm — something that is most memorable from your song.
  3. Verse: Completes the body of the song and provides variety between repeated choruses. Verses generally share the same melody (with slight variations), but usually contain different lyrics. There are usually multiple verses in a song. 
  4. Bridge:  The short section of the song has a different melody and lyric from any other section. Artists use a Bridge toward the middle or end of the song to build up to the chorus. Not  every song has a bridge. 
  5. Transitions are short passages of music that combine musical sections. The goal of the transition is to grab the listener’s attention and let them know a change is about to happen . Some examples of transitions are a crash cymbal, drum fills, track dropouts, melody variation, and risers. 
  6. Intro and Outro: Song sections that only contain music, no words, and build the feeling  of the song. Artists use them to open or close the song. Both intros and outros may use tempo and volume as methods to build and fade moods in the song. 
  7. Ally
  8. Activist